Tag Archives: kismet wellness

Great yoga workshop today

Kismet offered a free workshop today with Joe, who trained under Baron Baptiste (and looks strangely like Javier Bardem). I’ve never been to one of Joe’s classes – he teaches mornings during the week.

I also haven’t been to a yoga class in ages. Between the accupuncture and the 5-K training – it sort of fell off my schedule.

I know that I feel better about life when I do yoga regularly. I tend to live in a state of tension and stress, and yoga releases it both physically and mentally.

At the beginning of class, Joe was talking about how we’re all built perfectly and that yoga just allows us to re-align ourselves.

Well, it actually made me tear up a little bit –  it was just really nice to hear that I don’t have to work so freaking hard at trying to improve myself. Sometimes I just need to relax.

He was a really great teacher, broke down a lot of moves into easy to understand  explanations – and even got us all up against the wall to do handstands. My very 1st yoga handstand – it was quite exciting – God bless Joe – thankfully he’s sturdily built and was able to get me up into the air.

And then to round out my lovely relaxing day – my favorite girl & I went to use my Groupon at Prana. It was really yummy! We had raw sushi (made with coconut – not rice, a Naan pizza, a strawberry smoothie, fabulous kale chips, and a chocolate sundae – all vegan)
